Operating System
Once you've assembled the computer, the last step in the build process is installing your operating system. We'll be discussing Windows 10 here as it is preferred for familiarity, ease of use, and optimizing your miner. Alternatively, HiveOS is a Linux based operating system specifically designed for mining. To create a bootable drive for HiveOS, follow the GPU rig instructions and walkthrough to get started with HiveOS here.
To install Windows 10, grab an empty USB flash drive that is 8GB or larger and head to Microsoft's "Download Windows 10" page on a computer currently running Windows. Click on the "Download Tool Now" button, then run the Windows Media Creation Tool. This program will prepare the flash drive for installing Windows on your new machine. Creating the flash drive to install Windows takes about an hour.
Plug in the Windows installation USB to your new computer, and when you first start up the initial splash screen will show what key to press to enter your BIOS/UEFI setup (typically F1, F2, F10, or DEL) to boot from the Windows installation USB. Find the boot options tab or consult the Motherboard manual to make the proper adjustments to boot from USB, then save and exit.
Follow the instructions on screen and enter your product key or select "I don't have a key" if you plan to purchase and activate your copy after installation. If you purchased a premade USB to install Windows, you can enter the product key when prompted here.
After completing the installation steps and setting up your account, make sure to perform any Windows updates available and download the correct drivers for your GPU from NVIDIA or AMD. Download MSI Afterburner for optimization next, which will be used to increase your hash rate and lower the energy and heat generated by your graphics card while mining.
If your computer or rig is set: go to our Connect and Register page to fill out the miner registration form, watch our guide for how to download the miner program, and we'll respond back with your martian miner number to get you started! If you have any questions or need help setting up, join our Discord to talk with the team and miners on our network for assistance!